The quality in our oil
Our oil is the natural juice obtained by simple physical pressure of olives of the best quality. The scientific evidence demonstrates that, by its excellent properties, its consumption is recommended for a good health when having beneficial and protective effects on the different parts from the organism.

Natural product 100%, that is obtained from the olive milling, mainly of the Picual variety, properly tried like a fruit in all their process of production, beginning by the care, attentions, with mimo and care, of the olive trees, continuing by the harvesting at the suitable moment of maturity of the olive, separated and classified according to qualities, following with daily milling and the suitable storage of the oil properly classified, and finishing with its packaging and distribution, all this within the maximum indispensable hygiene.
From the sensorial point of view, they are oils with a personality very marked (mixture of Picual and Picudo), with high frutado of olive, aromatic ones, with green connotations, wood and with I touch bitter and sharp pleasant that are attenuated with the maturation, being in mouth intense and surrounding.
To emphasize that the Cooperative “Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta” realizes all the process of elaboration of the product: from its culture, production, happening through the manufacture and packaging for the direct commercialization of our product to the consumer, by means of its putting in the market; securing with this being a company that includes the complete cycle in the attainment of the product, cycle that includes/understands the CULTURE, MANUFACTURE and COMMERCIALIZATION of the product.
By all this, faithful at the beginning of continuous improvement, and in order to assure the quality our products and services, and at the same time to carry out our commitment with the environment, this Cooperative has implanted the following Integrated Systems of Management:
- International Standard UNE EN ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) under the scope: "Production, packed and marketing of oils virgin olive and virgin extra".
- International Standard UNE EN ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) under the scope: "Production, packed and marketing of oils virgin olive and virgin extra".
These certificates of mentioned Systems of Management of the Quality and the Environment have been granted by company “BUREAU VERITAS Certification”, company credited by ENAC (in the national scope) and by UKAS (in the international scope).