
The constitution of this one organization was fruit of the impulse of Olive-growing Agriculturists of Fuensanta de Martos who tried obtaining in this way one better defense of their Agricultural rents.
The Cooperative Society Andalusian Nuestra señora de la Fuensanta constituted itself in 1.952.
The cost of early investments was pretty important, being innumerable reforms and investments have been made, always with the goal of owning as far as possible the precise facilities that allow better performance of its social purposes and to give the best possible service to its partners.
Also we have a Section of Credit, in whose offices, completely computerized for one better management, we provided the most suitable attention and service to all our partners, in all that to economic, financial operations,…. We have secured a high financial standing that it allows the power us to confront projects and investments without having to depend on banking organizations.